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The Path to Islamic Knowledge

 A Comprehensive Epistemological Journey

This twenty six week course offers an examination of the sources of Islam and their principles to provide a holistic understanding of the structure of Islamic Knowledge 

​This course is comprised of four sections:


Section 1: The Quran 

In this section, the students will engage in the literary review of The Quran. It will be an insightful journey into the world of one of the most revered texts in human history. This section is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to analyze the Quranic text from a literary perspective. This will help the students with a deeper understanding of The Quranic structure, content, and arguments. Utilizing the textual analysis tools, students will delve into the profound nuances of the message of The Quran.


Section 2: The Sunna

In this section, the students will explore the definition, significance, and history of the term “Sunnah”. We will also touch upon the common misconceptions surrounding this term and their consequences. We will then dive into the principles necessary for the comprehension of this primary source of Islamic faith.


Section 3: Hadith 

In this course section, the students will examine the etymology, history, usage, and critical principles of this science, including guidance on practical application. We will familiarize ourselves with notable classical works, including Ibn e Hajar's seminal text and the principles of acceptance and rejection of Hadiths discussed in the above-mentioned text.


Section 4: Fiqh 

Having gained a basic understanding of The Quran, The Sunnah, and the Hadith, in this section, the students will gain a broad understanding of the term Fiqh and its application. We will also learn about the key reasons for differences between each of the four schools of thought, namely, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafa'ee, and Hambli.


Course Goals: At the end of this course the student will be able to:


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the historical and cultural context of the Quran

  • Appreciate the significance of the Quran within Abrahamic faith

  • Utilize the Quran's structural organization to enhance the study of the Quran

  • Demonstrate the application of the tools and methodologies used for the textual analysis of The Quran to decipher the meaning of the chapters within the Quran

  • Explain principles that govern the understanding, preservation, and interpretation of Sunnah 

  • Exhibit a beginner-level comprehension of the principles of Hadith

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key differences between the four schools of thought in Fiqh




Total Duration: 26 Weeks

Start Date: TBA

Frequency: Once a week, 9 PM -- 10:15 PM CST

Tuition: $1,200

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